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« Corporate histories | Main | Narrative and business risk management »

August 28, 2005


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I have this dream of one day running my family like a well-organized, stimulating boarding school. Each night after the kids go to bed, I'll lay out the fun and educational activities for the next day, prepare healthy meals and then have time for five miles on the treadmill, a bubble bath and an Ogilvie Home Perm.

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Mistakes are an essential part of education. (Bertrand Russell, British philosopher)


I have been searching for the first use of the phrase "Age of Bullshit" - particularly in connection with the Age of Faith and the Age of Reason (in the manner of the Durants). This blog is a contender for the first. Given the dorm room bullshit artist currently serving as chief magistrate of a notable former republic, I am thinking that this term could become historically significant.

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Harry Frankfurt's book, On Bullshit, was earlier than my 2005 blog post, although I am not sure that he used the precise term, "Age of Bullshit."


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I really appreciate the blog since the first time do I saw it. Now they have reached another milestone which lead us to report about it, and I think it's a great new... as the content of the text.

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jajjaja I love the way you separed the different ages, for disgrace we are living in the last one, the age of bullshit, and this age the only thing that is sure, all is a total bullshit!

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I think that this post is very good, i would like to read more information about this topic.

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It can mislead many believers. I believe particulars must be learned by many.

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It is very interesting topic you've written here..The truth I'm not related to this, but I think is a good opportunity to learn more about it… And as well talk about a different topic to which I used to talk with others..

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Thanks for the article. Very easy to read, understand, see. Good language and style of the author, not imposing his views, nevertheless cautions against this "scam" and does it very convincingly


Penso che questo sia una buona idea. Pienamente d'accordo con lei.


Let's Talk, ho qualcosa da dire su questo argomento.


Good stuff, it was very useful. Thanks for this great information it really helps a lot for me.


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Very clever title for this article. Now 6 years after it is even bigger bs.

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Now 6 years after it is even bigger bs.


Yes I totally agree, this is the age of BS...


Great information you got here. I've been reading about this topic for one week now for my papers in school and thank God I found it here in your blog. I had a great time reading this.

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I searched for this theme! The insouciance required to ignore what everyone knows and to carry the listeners along cannot be maintained for very long, and master storytellers know the limits. The storytelling performance is thus a sprint, not a marathon.

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Great info! I hat my job!

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Good stuff as per usual, thanks. I do hope this kind of thing gets more exposure.


Above all, one must make a determined effort to tell the authentic truth, even though everyone around is bullshitting.

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Presenting the truth as we see it is a capability that is available to everyone. Such competence is no more problematic than being able to see what we see with our own eyes.


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