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« What's the role of storytelling in radical management? | Main | The Jim Collins Story: From Good to the Grave »

May 20, 2010


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Why most change management processes fail. Learn it from Dilbert!

Marcelo Mello

fantastic post!!!


I think this is the best analysis I have read in a long time, it all comes down to thrust, a system were people are allowed to be treated as people, and a management system that support employees, not work against them.

John Christie

It is time to speak heart to heart instead of head to head (Norman Drummond)

Norman Dale

I think it's a huge leap to see how widely enjoyed Dilbert is to inferring that its "success reflects the fact that so many people find themselves in similar work environments and find themselves seemingly powerless to do anything about it." The cartoon like others such as the old Dagwood and Blondie in the 50s or Peanuts resonates because of a kernel of truth at which we can chuckle not an accurate mapping of reality. To try to turn this into some big life lesson with homilies about intervention for social change is something that Scott Adams and the Dilbert gang could probably have a lot of fun with.

Lesley Shneier

I think you've hit the nail on the head - as you so often do! The comment about treating people as things reminded me of a time long ago when I was trying to explain to a group what "human resources" meant (and I was an HR professional then), and someone said quite simply that he objected to being considered a resource, like a lump of coal!

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The cartoon like others such as the old Dagwood and Blondie in the 50s or Peanuts resonates because of a kernel of truth at which we can chuckle not an accurate mapping of reality. To try to turn this into some big life lesson with homilies about intervention for social change is something that Scott Adams and the Dilbert gang could probably have a lot of fun with.

Steve Denning

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It's easy to be cynical and sit on the sidelines and mock anyone who has the temerity to try to change the soul-destroying world of the modern workplace. Scott Adams himself does quite a bit of that. But if we are ever going to make something worthwhile out of brief existence in this world, we actually need to get off the sidelines and help change it.

Hope you will join me.

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ant manger for operations at the Savannah River plant here. We in the DOE have the expertise to monitor the heath and safety responsibilities. The safety of the plant is unparalleled.Melvin Sires, DOE assistant plant manager for health, safety, and environment says that NRC and greater EPA involvement would probably interfere with the operations.But former DOE engineer Lawless points to numerous instances when, he says, the public was not informed about nonsecret environmental questions.A closer look at his criticism and the rebuttals from the DOE and Du Pont offer a rare insight into the thinking and operations at one federal nuclear weapons plant.Next: Internal debates at
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ot concerned with them.A group of men gathering on the weekends to go through some war exercises are about as interesting to us as a Boy Scout jamboree,he says.Yet guncontrol advocates are watching the militia phenomenon closely. Dennis Henigan, director of the Legal Action Project at the Center to Prevent Handgun Violence, says the militia movement is a direct result of a profoundly dangerousnew strategy by gunrights groups aimed at unleashing the anger of their membership on Washington.Mr. Henigan notes that in a 1982 case in Texas, a federal court upheld a statute that bars private citizens from forming private armies.Miss Universal Happinessis the first collaborat
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