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« What HBR hasn't noticed: four reasons why management needs radical change | Main | Why Do Great KM Programs Fail? »

July 02, 2010


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Christopher M. Janney

Another great one! I will say that in general I am a supporter for HBR and enjoy most of their articles. But I can also say that you bring up some interesting points in questioning the articles that are published and the support that is often thrown in one direction or another.

I completely agree with you on your observations about BPR. It has definitely allowed managers to miss the human component of business, and in turn that affects the customer population (in most cases negatively). I will say, however, that I think BPR has its place as a part of the overall solution process but the people of the organization must be involved, and behaviors must change. It is definitely both systemic and systematic, and until that realization takes place, there will continue to be failure. That goes for consultants as well. There is no one "silver bullet" that will take care of everything.

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