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« Live tweeting from The Economist's The Ideas Economy in NY | Main | Visualizing the difference between 20th and 21st Century management »

September 17, 2010


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The Army, whose grooming rules allow only trim, tidy moustaches, has granted exemptions in the past, as recently as this year, when it allowed a Sikh dentist to serve with a beard and turban.

Mr. Stern is getting political support from New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, a Democrat who has urged Army Secretary John McHugh to let him serve, arguing that "no Americasdfan should have to choose between his religion and service to our country."

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Yoyo's response to Dan is another example of her shallow understanding of life and our inter-relatedness to each other. For example, she dismisses Dan's factually informed opinions as "lies". I hate to break it you, honey, but your worldview is based entirely on your willingness to believe lies. It follows logically that you cannot distinguish truth from lies and you are therefore unqualified to make such accusations. Your assertions simply do not resonate with the sober-minded visitors to this website.

Your attempt at apologetics on behalf of Charles Darwin completely misses the point of Selwyn's article by conflating slavery with eugenics. You do this with the sfwere many white slaves (perhaps more so than blacks) and that there were many black slave-holders (I'll bet you did not read that in your little red history book).


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