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December 12, 2010


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Deb Mills-Scofield

I remember quite a lot of debate and discussion about what the title should be on the group you created for input to the book ('crowd-editing') andthen a good deal of consensus - c'est la vie

Jon Husband

Heh .. as I mentioned to you in an email, I am crap at marketing. Your story seems to prove that quite clearly !


Nobly acknowledged, Jon, but I agree completely with Steve. "Evolution" suggests business as usual with comfortable, incremental change. It is soporific.

Steve and others are proposing radical, revolutionary change, that is "going to the root or origin, fundamental, thoroughgoing or extreme" to cite a dictionary definition of "radical."

In my work I deliver a similar message about marketing, to the extent that I propose we drop the word altogether and replace it. I say "marketing sucks", and although I lament the vulgarity, I am looking for shock value and memorability.

Of course, you could go to storytelling and show old management nuked out of existence.

Thanks, Graeme Roberts


Great post and title Steve. I think there are plenty of us who can't wait for reinvention to take hold. Marketing at its worst? Perhaps this is a time when worst is best.

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