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« Fixing capitalism: Is "shared value" another "business process reengineering"? | Main | Do you want to attend a live storytelling event in Washington DC in the Spring? »

January 08, 2011


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Tim Wright

laissez faire markets work - hmm? like the wild west eh? Great model Steve Brazell

Steve Denning

Tim--Even the wild west needed the occasional sheriff! Steve


Steve, thank you for another great post. Since capitalism is dependent on people (until robots make, sell and buy :) ), the problem, and solution will always be people. Too much discussion, til now with you and others, has focused on the theory of capitalism vs the reality.

Steve Denning


Couldn't agree more. This is about a transition from focusing on things to focusing on people. Is that really radical? What's radical is that we spent a hundred years focusing on things, all the time wondering why it made people miserable. Duh!


seo arizona

People depended on it. I myself is capable of doing it alone.

Birthstone Charms

So coincidentally, I am to write an article about the subject that you are talking about. I think you really have a wonderful point and the information you have provided has indeed helped me a lot. I really needed this, thanks so much for posting!

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