Radical management has widespread application.
In business, the goal of reinvented management becomes that of delighting the client, which means interacting with them and having a relationship as explained here, rather than treating them as "demand to be parsed and manufactured".
In microcredit, it means joining together with potential borrowers to enable loans that would otherwise be unaffordable, as explained here, rather than treating that as sources of profit.
In education, it means focusing on students first, and orienting the system to their needs rather than the convenience of the administrators or the teachers, as explained here.
And In health, reforming health care means putting the patients at the center so that they drive the care that is provided.
In this inspiring keynote presentation from CHSRF's Picking Up the Pace conference, we hear the story of health care reform for Alaska's Southcentral population, including the challenges of the native population. Dr. Douglas Eby and Dr. Donna Galbreath explain how health care has been reformed by involving the patients with striking success in improving results and lowering costs.
To learn more about radical management, read my book, The Leader's Guide to Radical Management: Reinventing the Workplace for the 21st Century (Jossey-Bass, 2010).
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Posted by: Generic Viagra | October 22, 2011 at 07:08 AM
to get flu shots! They are a danger to society. They can call in sick for work damaging the economy, make others sick, a potential threat to the nation. The federal government need to be involved in health care. Then they can mandate that all within the borders get a flu shot so that they do not endanger themselves or others. What do you think?
Posted by: Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer | December 28, 2011 at 04:47 AM
You need the Federal Government to tell you to get a flu shot? what is left for you to be responsible for and further what is left of freedom and the responsibility that goes with it?
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