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« Is Internet access a basic human right? | Main | Reinventing management Part 7: Implementing the transition »

January 30, 2011


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ETF Investing

Really good one. Thanks for sharing.

Henk Daalder Windparken Wiki

I do not trust google since they stole my first 30 EUR ad income.
Without explaining what made them steal that money

Thomas Juli

Very valuable insights. You mention Google's model of reserving 20 % of working time for innovative activities. While this is a splendid idea it remains lifeless if these innovative activities are not results-oriented. Delighting customers is the right mantra, I agree.
In a recent consulting engagement as an interim manager I introduced the idea of "innovation labs" where team members could meet to discuss topics they thought important. I did not tell them how to proceed. All I was asking them was to present their results to the whole team and show how it benefits our customer. Not all innovation labs achieved this objective, those which did created a significant value for the customer. But even more important it helped team member focus on delighting customers. This by itself was worth the effort.

Health News

This is a wonderful site. The things mentioned are unanimous and needs to be appreciated by everyone.

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The greatest interest was in a learning event in which participants would acquire techniques and skills


The one thing Larry Page as new CEO of Google needs to know: a tight focus on client delight.

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The reality is that giving employees—even brilliant employees—freedom to do what they want results in guess what—in the employees doing what the employees want, not necessarily doing things that will necessary generate business and ideas for the company.

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