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« The most beautiful goal in the world | Main | Wal-Mart And The Futility Of Traditional Management »

February 22, 2011


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We don't just need fundamental shifts in the way organisations are managed.

We need fundamentally different types of organisation.

Ones that don't syphon off money and give it to a few shareholders or ultra-rich execs.

The US deficit was zero in 200? Really? Do you have a link? I'm looking at this:


Steve Denning

Dear Hayes,
Thanks for your comment. I'm talking about the budget deficit being zero, not the debt. The debt was still enormous. As surpluses were imminent, they could have been used to start paying down the debt. Instead, more spending occurred, and more red ink. A sad story, particularly when you think about what the money was spent on.

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My take is that the problem is not so much that Agile and Scrum don't t scale. We now have many examples of large-scale implementations of Agile.

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