Please join us for two days to
Establish a Radical Management Mindset &
Reinvent Business, Government, Education & Health
Each Spring for the past ten years, I have helped organize a gathering at the Smithsonian Associates in Washington DC focused on organizational storytelling. Seth Kahan and I are happy to announce along with our practice partners--Madelyn Blair, Rod Collins, Michelle James, Deborah Mills-Scofield and Peter Stevens--that this tradition will continue—with some exciting new elements—on May 12-13, 2011.
We think this will be a unique event where coolness, innovation and serious fun intersect, unlike any other conference you have ever been to, as Seth and I explain here.
We hope you will join us. Registration is available here now. Don't miss out. Places are limited.
When: From 8.30am Thursday May 12 to 5pm Friday May 13, 2011
Where: downtown Washington DC
What you will learn: In-depth learning about how to use storytelling to revolutionize the workplace and establish a radical management mindset. The first day will focus on co-creating the "big picture" principles of radical management as well as the practices involved in implementing the principles. It will include what is involved in creating an environment that brings everyone along. The second day will focus on working together in applying those principles and practices to your setting and showing you how you can take this forward.
Who is giving it: The gathering is being organized by Steve Denning and Seth Kahan, along with their practice partners, Madelyn Blair, Rod Collins, Michelle James, Deborah Mills-Scofield and Peter Stevens.
How will it be organized: It will be a highly interactive event. Rather than a conference where a series of speakers make presentations, it will be more like a conversation, woven together as an integrated and cohesive experience in which the focus is on co-creating and group learning.
Books: Participants will receive a copy of the following books:
- Steve Denning's The Leader’s Guide to Radical Management (2010)
- Seth Kahan's Getting Change Right (2010)
- Madelyn Blair's Essays in Two Voices (2011)
- Rod Collins' Leadership in a Wiki World (2010)
Who should attend: It’s for anyone who is ready to join with us to help radically reinvent the world of work, whether you are a senior manager, thinker, activist, insurgent, speaker, leader, consultant, student, worker, whether you are in the private sector, the public sector, the health sector, the education sector or in an association.
- Full registration: $597;
- Early bird registration by March 31: $497
- Group discount of 25% for three or more participants.
- A limited number of student places are available.uu
Agenda for the two days:
The agenda will be a interactive conversation with the participants aimed at group learning.
Day one: The conversation will focus on the big picture:
- why is work managed the way it is,
- what are the principles of traditional management,
- what has been learned about how to manage in a radically different way so as to generate continuous innovation, deep job satisfaction and client delight. It
- what are the big shifts needed to reinvent work
- what are the practices needed to support these shifts.
Day two: The conversation will shift to focus on how to apply the principles and practices of radical management in your own setting
- where and how do I start?
- how do I convince my boss? My colleagues?
- what pitfalls should I anticipate?
- how do I maintain momentum?
- what do I do when things get blocked?
- what help can I get?
A note from Seth and Steve
We would like to invite you to a gathering.
For two whole days, we want to share with you what we are jazzed about and we would like to get you equally inspired.
We are really excited that we will have four practice partners to help co-create the future with you.
This is a gathering for people who are intent on revolutionizing the world of work.
We want people who are tired of a world in which people are being treated as things, where employees are seen “human resources” and customers are seen as “demand” that has to be manufactured.
We are offering here more than a set of tools. We are seeking to create a state of mind that starts with a change of heart.
This is about locating that sweet spot where coolness, innovation and serious fun intersect. The fact that it also happens to be ultra efficient and productive is another big plus, because that means that the economics will drive it forward.
This is about creating stuff that people must have. And in the process, we stop wasting time on stupid things, spinning wheels, going through useless routines, attending management prayer meetings and spending endless amounts of time and energy on second-guessing what the boss wants.
It’s for those of us who want to escape from the mind-numbing confines of the cubicle culture, of budget crunches and endless reorganizations, and discover together what it takes to have a workplace that is truly different.
This gathering is the logical culmination of everything that the two of us have been talking about for the last ten years. We’ve been on a storytelling journey. We have come a long way and the journey has been rewarding. As our journey continues, we see the need to explore new territory so that we can get to a new level. We couldn’t undertake the next leg of the journey if we hadn’t already come so far.
We’re talking about getting things done at work in a way that uplifts the human spirit.
For quite a while, we spent time asking people to close their eyes and dare to imagine a workplace where everyone was pulling together and creating meaning for themselves and for the people for whom the work is done, a workplace where it was all for one and one for all.
Then we discovered that most people didn’t have to imagine it. They could remember it. They had experienced it, or something like it, at one time or another in their life. So most of us know what this is like: what we need to discover is how to replicate those experiences, reliably and on a sustainable basis.
It’s creating about workplaces where the human spirit sings, where we realize that life is worth living. That life has meaning. That we are doing something that matters.
We don’t care if your current workplace resembles a festering petri dish, or a paradise of joy, curiosity, and peak performance, or is somewhere in between.
And the good news is that this world is within reach. Our goal is to show you how to reach it.
It’s about generating workplaces where deeper meaning replaces the drab grind of repetition with challenging and compelling work that elevates the soul.
It’s about having fun with the talents and intelligence that we’ve been given and finding our place in the ever shifting realms of doing something meaningful with our lives, something that matters.
We hope you will join us.
Seth and Steve
What you will learn
- Why organizations are managed the way they are today and what can be done to transform them and create a world in which people can find sustenance and inspiration
- How to instill a new mental model of radical management so that organizations create continuous innovation, deep job satisfaction and client delight.
- Specific actionable tools to enable you to reinvent your workplace and establish radical management as the norm for your organization.
- How to go beyond learning how to use a new set of tools, but also a quality change—how to put the heart back in the workplace.
- How to achieve a shift in focus from manipulating customers and employees as things, to one of instead interacting with customers and employees as people.
- How to find new ways to interact with customers and employees and to add more value for them and provide that value sooner.
- How to understand the world of the client or stakeholder.
- What are the specific practices that will help delight customers, clients and stakeholders.
- How to measure client delight.
- How you can add more value to those people sooner.
- How to organize and sustain self-organizing teams.
- What is the role of manager as enabler rather than controller.
- How to organize work in short cycles so as to ensure steady progress towards the goal of customer or stakeholder delight.
- What are the values that support organizational transformation, particularly radical transparency and continuous improvement.
- What are the practices that support those values.
- How to shift communications from command to conversation.
- What are the specific practices that support that shift.
- How to use storytelling to inspire organizations to become curators of the human spirit
- How to inspire business, government and social sector organizations to reinvent themselves and create a work-world of life-enhancing practices and values.
- How to create a world with meaning that reveals our deepest values, our very core, as human beings.
- Why most organizations today are much less productive than they were fifty years ago.
- Which organizations have discovered how to create simultaneously high productivity, continuous innovation, deep job satisfaction and client delight.
- How to inspire workplaces that generate fiercer passion so that innovation becomes as natural as drawing breath.
- How to move forward, even on those miserable days when the cause seems hopeless, when the guardians of the status quo are doing their darnedest to prevent change, and everyone is discouraged and tempted to abandon the challenge.
- How to inspire others to take the future into their own hands and change the world themselves.
- How to stimulate others to summon up the energy and the ingenuity to overcome the forces of soul-destroying stagnation and create a new world.
Our practice partners
Madelyn Blair: Madelyn Blair, Ph.D., founded Pelerei, Inc. in 1988, a company dedicated to helping organizations and individuals move to the next level. She is on the faculty of Kent State University in the IAKM graduate program. She is a Taos Associate, the co-moderator of Worldwide Story Work, and a teaming partner with PwC. Before Pelerei, she was a division chief at the World Bank. Her most recent work is on the creation of radical learning environments. Madelyn is the author of Riding the Current: How to Deal with the Daily Deluge of Data, Essays in Two Voices: Dual Dialogues of Discovery, and Riding the Current: The Way to Successful Sailing on the Edge of New Knowledge (2011)
Rod Collins is the owner of Wiki-Management and an expert in collaborative management practices. He helps business leaders successfully manage accelerating change by changing how they manage. Rod is the former Chief Operating Executive of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Federal Employee Program (FEP), one of the nation's largest business alliances, with over $19 billion in annual revenues. Under Rod's leadership, FEP increased its market share by 10 points and achieved unprecedented operational performance. He is the author of the Leadership in A Wiki World (2010).
Michelle James has been pioneering Applied Creativity and Applied Improvisation in business in the Washington, DC area since the mid-nineties. She is CEO of The Center for Creative Emergence and founder of the Capitol Creativity Network . Her mission is to integrate the worlds of creativity, service, meaning and business and cultivate whole-brain, whole-person engagement in the workplace. She's designed and delivered hundreds of programs for entrepreneurs, leaders, and organizations such as Microsoft, Deloitte, GEICO, Teach for America, Center for Nonprofit Advancement, National Institutes of Heath, The World Bank, Invest Northern Ireland and Kaiser Permanente among others. Her passion for improv led her to develop Quantum Leap Business Improv, and in 2009 year she produced a sold-out Creativity in Business Conference with the next one coming up in October of this year.
Deborah Mills-Scofield helps companies create actionable, measurable, adaptable, and profitable innovation and strategic plans. While at AT&T Bell Labs she received a patent for what became one of their top revenue-generating services. She was instrumental in creating AT&T’s entrance into the Internet and E-commerce marketplace. Deb’s love of innovation – from products/services to management - includes mentoring entrepreneurs in Northeast Ohio, Brown’s Entrepreneurship Program, and seniors in Brown’s Women's Launch Pad Program.
Peter Stevens is a coach in the software development approach known as Scrum (one of the forerunners or subsets of radical management). He is trainer and mentor with a passion for helping organizations become more effective at creating great products and services. He has helped many organizations successfully adopt or optimize their use of agile methods. He writes the Scrum Breakfast blog and is a regular contributor to His popular articles include 10 Contracts for Your Next Agile Software Project and Explaining Story Points to Management. Peter started his career as a Software Engineer at Microsoft in 1982. Today, he is the initiator of the Lean Agile Scrum Interest Group of the SwissICT and co-founder of DasScrumTeam AG, a partnership of leading Scrum trainers and coaches in Central Europe.
We hope you'll join us.
When: From 8.3
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